I had a club activity today. It was cloudy, but humid. Archery is difficult at least for me, but it is fun. I want to buy my own bow and arrows soon!
Sunday 25, May
It was Sohpians’ Day today. We had to wear suits of clothes because many alumni and alumnae came to Sophia University. I will practice hard not only for myself but also for them. I appreciate their supports.
Monday 26, May
The deadline of English Grammar paper is 0:00. I have to try very hard to finish it!
Tuesday 27, May
I barely finished the paper last night. It was about 23:50 that I send the e-mail. I should have finished it on weekend, but I was so busy.
On the second period, I practiced archery. After practicing for a while, I took a test to use a 24-pond bow, and passed it!!! It was so hard to keep the form for 7 seconds. I have to try harder to get used to a 24-pond bow.
Wednesday 28, May
I practiced archery as usual in the morning, and I had three classes today. On Wednesdays I have a class in the 5th period. The class ends as 6:30, so the time I get home is about 8:00. I’m always tired on Wednesday night. I want 30 hours a day! I need more time to study and sleep!!!
Thursday 29, May
It was rainy today. I don’t like rainy days. Anyway I had three classes. I’m going to go to Nagoya tomorrow. I’m really looking forward to Jounan-sen. I can’t wait!
Friday 30, May
After attending two classes, some of the archery club member and I took a bullet train (Shinkansen) at 18:10. Others, who didn’t have classes, left the school 9 hours earlier. We played UNO in the train. We arrived at Nagoya station at 20:00 and had dinner. I ate misonikomi-udon. It is a dish of udon noodles boiled in miso soup for a long time to soak in the flavor. Until then I didn’t know that udon noodles in Nagoya are harder than ones that I always eat. Although it was good, I like normal soft noodles better. After dinner, we went to the hotel, Nagoya Crown Hotel. It was nice hotel. I played UNO again with other freshmen. It was very fun, and we wanted to play more. However we didn’t play for a long time because we had to get up early the next day.
Saturday 31, May
I got up at 6:30 in the morning. We ate breakfast in the bus on the way to Nanzan University. Nanzan University was very large. However it was unfortunately rainy. I watched the game of archery for the first time. In the morning, targets are 50 meters away from the archers. It was so far that I was not able to see where the arrows stuck. After the lunch the archers shot arrows toward the targets 30 meters away. I tried hard to support the players. I was surprised that many arrows pointed the yellow circle on the center. I hope I will be able to play archery like them someday. I will practice hard. As a result women of Sophia won but men lost.
After the game we, the members of Nanzan University and Sophia University, went dinner. It was so fun to talk to Nanzan University students and I ate a lot. I got very tired, but I had a very good time.
Sunday 1, June
I got up at 7 o’clock. We left the hotel at nine twenty for sightseeing in Nagoya. The member of Nanzan archery club supposed to guide us in Nagoya, but they took us to a zoo. I had not expected that I went to zoo in Nagoya. I wanted to see Nagoya castle. Moreover it was sunny and soooooooo hot! We saw lions, tigers, elephants, giraffes, penguins, koalas, ostriches, hippopotamuses, rhinoceros, snakes, crocodiles, alligators, monkeys, many kinds of birds, bats, rats, hedgehogs, zebras and so on. It was not so boring than I had expected. After walking around in the zoo for about two hours, we had lunch. We ate misonikomi-udon again. I felt it was better than the first one. We went back to Nanzan University at 15:30, and attended closing ceremony. As a result, Sophia University lost, but I was happy to come to Nagoya for the first time and meet students of Nanzan University. In the evening, we ate shabu-shabu. It was very delicious.